Saturday, October 10, 2009

Final Year in Nottingham

I never did mention it to myself, that I'm in the final year for my degree. I'm lack of motivation when it comes to books, and notes. I got carried away with some other temptation, like Facebook, forums, Lowyat, YouTube, and some little games.

Recently I tried to get myself to sleep early between 12am to 1am. Well, it's midnight already so I won't consider this as early. It's just to prevent myself from falling asleep in the class whereby I need enough rest to keep myself awake in the next morning.

Since it's the final year here in Semenyih, I somehow do feel sad leaving here although it's months away before graduating. That is of course if I don't fail or something.

It's the same feeling when your leaving primary school and secondary school. I missed the old days. With friends around, we're all happy.

Anyway, it's the final year so good luck to everyone if it's their final year. (Why do i talk as if I'm leaving soon? -.-") Oh well, this is blogging. :D


Adam Jong said...

You really quite free leh~ go get some durian for research

Chr|zz ^_^ said...

hm... free but my mind is not... a lot of reading and thinking to do.. haha..