Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ever since I'm around 10 to 12 years old, I have not been exposed to Christianity. As I went into secondary school, I know a little bit of it but not until the extend where I'll go to church every week.

No, I've only started to go to church when I'm in form 4 and form 5. A few of my friends are Christians and I've went to a lot of this Christian concert thingy, whatever it is. I still don't have that devotion in it.

Of course every family have their own problems. And I considered mine to be very serious? Because I've been in this "problem" since I was a little kid. Yeah, it was a bad experience. Lots of trouble. But I'm sure there's more people having their difficulties too. Pray for them.

Anyway, I'm doing good now just that I'm seeing lot of problems in Christians. Of course I'm in it also. I have my habit and bad temper too. Bad temper as in I'll scold or violently do something. xD That's me!

Since I've been in KL, I've changed a little from there. Able to joke around and play around not like before. I was a quiet person and never smile at all. :)

Being a Christian, talking is easy. Without action, your just talking nonsense telling everyone. I've seen a few Christians. Some don't even care of what problem your facing, even if that's your own relatives. This is what I'm facing till today.

Outside your saying you are Christian, but are you doing the rightful way of a Christian? Let's not talk about how human is not perfect. If you are one Christian, do what you're being preached of. Taking Jesus Christ as a role model.

Egoism happens too. Everyone have it. But not until the extend where you're leaving other brothers and sisters in Christ to one side and treating them like a stranger. So, what's the difference of you being a Christ who acts that way, than those atheist who really treat people nicely?

If I were to say this, those who don't believe Christianity, they will go to hell. This is according to bible. So, if your being preached to do this and not that but your doing that, what's the point if you repent? Or you never know what you did and you don't want to admit it? Would you go to hell too? I'm curious of this.

Why would an atheist go to hell, than those Christians treating each other badly? I don't know much about Christianity yet. I'm still learning. That is why I'm asking this. No offence or whatsoever. :)

Treat everyone fair enough even though they are stranger. If you Christians start treating other people differently, they will start to avoid you and not going to church frequently. Or worst, go to a new church. Or they would say this, "I don't want to go to church today or even in the near future because of how they treated me!".

And here, we've lost one brother or sister in Christ. Human error, big problem. Error occur, but they don't want to listen and that's the end. They would rather stayed at home than facing you in the church.

Practice what you're being preached.

Another thoughts came into my mind too, why do Christianity separated with Catholics, Methodist, Anglican, and etc? Isn't it all about Christianity? One true God? Jesus Son of God?

Why do they even separate it? What's the point? Christian is Christian, nothing more. Separating it would be like causing trouble if one denomination saying this denomination is preaching the wrong thing.

All these came up to my mind, and this really troubles me.

As I go further learning, I know it's only about Our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ. Not us humans. I'm sure there will be guidance from Him as I'm learning more and more.

Patience is important, God is love. God is good.

God bless everyone! :)


kaiseng said...

igot to agree with part of the post...
yes,non-believers will be condemned on the judgement day!!
and yes,we have a lot of so called---Name tag christians in which iwas one of them once upon a time....

iread this pretty interesting verses in the Bible....
the devil will come at the day and a lot of believers will claim they know Jesus...
but Jesus will tell them,idon't know you....
(we could have so called repent yet being judged at the 2nd coming of Christ...)

u can find this in Acts chapter 2,4 ithink./...
(correct me if i show u the wrong books in the Bible)
unsure if it's that....

and regarding to a lot of your thoughts....
we can have some discussions after u finish your exam....
u will b staying over in the student house ma....

we can spend sme time finding the truth and have some sahring together as well...

hope idid make some small part to clear ur thoughts...

still praying for the issue u told me....
(ur family)
all the best to the remaining 3 papers...

Jesus is awesome,we need to trust in Him even in the midst of our life...
our God is a God who saves...


kaiseng said...
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kaiseng said...

a verse to share....

Above all,love each other deeply,because love covers over a multitude of sins.
"1 Peter 4:8"

Chr|zz ^_^ said...

i am just sadden by how being a Christian ended up differently.. it should be this way but they did it that way.. not only ur the only, i'm am also one of it.. xD a share of thoughts.. a reminder to for everyone.. although not many read my blog at least it's there for other people who wants to know God i guess.. haha..

kaiseng said...

amen to the heart and the desire you are ready to shine for Jesus!!=)